The company «IT Engineering Alliance» engages in design, engineering, implementation, support and development of medical informational systems on our software platform «Alpha: Medicine» in health care organization of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk region of Russia. We do this for many years - since 1999 and we have accumulated great experience.
Do you want to order the development of MIS with us?
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We work for the result. Company‘s profile is informatization of business processes in medical organizations of the customer with using our medical software — medical information system (MIS) «Alpha: Medicine».
Adjustable under a certain medical organization‘s business processes, MIS «Alpha: Medicine», its subsystems and services, they form a customer‘s single corporate MIS. «Alpha: Medicine» allows you to automate and to organize the work of modern medical organization at all stages of providing medical services - from patient registration, scheduling, holding doctor appointments, and electronic health records (EHR) to forming the final (medical statistics, analytical and financial) reporting.
The most important part of our job is training and constant work with the customer‘s personnel. We believe that only with joint efforts we all can achieve success, to ensure that MIS will become a necessary tool for everyday work.
We are the team. Among us there are doctors, healthcare managers, planners and technical specialists. We work so you can rely on us. To cooperate with us is convenient. We help with experience and with knowledge, we participate in the organization of work and optimization of business processes in medical organizations.
«IT Engineering Alliance» constantly develops medical information systems already implemented by the Company. We understand perfectly that the development of the healthcare organization is impossible without development and improvement of medical information system. With our work we prove that you can trust us. And your trust is very valuable for us.