+7 (903) 920-50-30

Medical information systems in Krasnoyarsk City, RUSSIA, Siberia

  • Technologies

MIS technology development
We offer medical information systems of any architecture
Architecture of MIS Alpha:Medicine
MIS «Alpha:Medicine» is based on an original library of software modules «Alpha:Platform», forms a single information space of the medical organization
IT-Engineering Alliance‘s Mission
We design, devise, implement, support and develop information systems

A variety of technologies applied by us for the development of information systems is wide: from client-server applications to three-tier architectures with a "thin client" and "cloud" solutions. The system can be located on leased and on private server capacities of the customer, as well as in the "cloud" data center with access via secure communication channels.

The work of modern medical organizations, both private and public, is impossible today without a well-functioning medical information system. IT Engineering Alliance Company offers clinics of any profile a reliable solution — medical information system "Alpha: Medicine" of its own design.

What is required from the customer:

The organization, which plans to install a medical information system, must have a local area network with connection points for client workstations in each branch, corps or office. Moreover, all structural divisions must have a reliable communication channel with the server of the information system.

The basis of medical information systems which IT Engineering Alliance Company offers, is our software core "Alpha: Platform" developed by us. Inherent in it technology allows to assemble the necessary components of the information systems from the core units - by analogy with the construction of a house of ready-made parts, such as walls, roof, etc.

Due to the flexibility of our tools we can gather the information system in any subject area. Strict adherence to deadlines is guaranteed. The main profile of our work is medical information systems.

The technologies of developing information systems are applied by us are fully cross-platform. They have a three-tier architecture and use the technology of "thin client". Therefore, "Alpha: Medicine" significantly reduces the load on the users client workstation and shifts the execution of all the business logic on the server. In most cases, we recommend to operate the server-side systems using the Unix / Linux platforms, but the most common choice for today is the Windows-based platforms due to its high prevalence and availability of service professionals.

The database management system for our software solutions are selected individually taking into account the complexity of the task. When choosing them, we consider corporate preferences and wishes of the customer. Of course, we will offer you the implementation of information system with the using of DBMS, which we have a great work experience.

The user interface of our information systems presents a thin client with a Web interface. Its elements are optimized for use in Web-browser, selected by the customer based on corporate preferences. Thus, the user‘s workstation can be equipped with a personal computer, a laptop, a tablet, a terminal or any other device that provides efficient work of the corporate Web-browser.

Capabilities of the information system for each user are defined by a set of available work modes and functions. They depend on his powers, officials and individual roles in the information system. Built so, access levels ensure confidentiality and integrity of data as required by the 152-FL "On Personal Data".

Our technical solutions and technological approach to the organization of the information space repeatedly proved itself as an effective and convenient both from the point of view of operation, and with regard to development. No matter how thoroughly you have now formulated requirements for your information system, after some time it will need revision. Your company does not stand still, it develops, changes, improving the technology of its work, and the information system must follow this development constantly. We will provide for you this opportunity.

Working with us is interesting. Try it - and we‘ll help with your informatization.

Contact us, we will be glad to work with you.